WELL in Haarlem


Over WELL in Haarlem

We are a Holistic Practice/Studio/Store for women’s well-being in the center of Haarlem.

WELL is a physical place where you can; reconnect with yourself and others around the themes of womanhood such as; Menstrual Cycle, Fertility, Trauma, Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum, Loss, Motherhood and Menopause.

Our mission is to serve as a WELL with means to refill your own cup. Here you can pause, catch your breath, drink some tea, get inspired, try products, join a workshop, book a therapy session, mother ritual or buy a gift for your best friend and even better one just for you!

We women are generally great in caring for others but often we forget about our own needs. WELL stands for in the wisdom that we all hold within. We just need a welcoming and safe space to reconnect with our body and regain access to our resources that will support our journey now and in the future.


Gedempte Voldersgracht 41
2011 WC


maandag gesloten
dinsdag 10.00 - 18.00
woensdag 10.00 - 18.00
donderdag 10.00 - 18.00
vrijdag 10.00 - 18.00
zaterdag 10.00 - 18.00
zondag 11.00 - 17.00


de winkel is gesloten op:

Eerste paasdag - zondag 9 april
Tweede paasdag - maandag 10 april
Koningsdag - donderdag 27 april
Hemelvaartsdag - donderdag 18 mei
Eerste pinksterdag - zondag 28 mei
Tweede pinksterdag - maandag 29 mei
Eerste kerstdag - maandag 25 december
Tweede kerstdag - dinsdag 26 december