The Story...
The wardrobe finds it's origin in medieval times, it was a room with closets and cabinets in the castle of kings and powerful landlords.
This was the place where the lord of the castle kept his weapons and fighting gear. In later times the name ''Wardrobe'' was also used for the room where the rulers King's cloak and other valuables where stored.
Now ''The Wardrobe'' is a fashion shop with an innovative collection of formal and casual clothing and accessoires.
The modern Nobleman comes in for advise, whether he wants to do business in style, go out or impress the competition.
At ''The Wardrobe'' men can constantly discover how surprisingly style full and effective a fashion outfit can be.
Brandmix: Filling Pieces, ETQ, Mason Garments, Y3, Neil Barrett, Kenzo, Ami, Wooyoungmi, Blue de Genes, Vlieger&Vandam and more
de winkel is gesloten op:
Eerste paasdag - zondag 9 april
Tweede paasdag - maandag 10 april
Koningsdag - donderdag 27 april
Hemelvaartsdag - donderdag 18 mei
Eerste pinksterdag - zondag 28 mei
Tweede pinksterdag - maandag 29 mei
Eerste kerstdag - maandag 25 december
Tweede kerstdag - dinsdag 26 december